Therefore, even though this agile release cycle consisted of a series of relatively short iterations, a subset of system testing was still able to be performed. 因此,即使敏捷的版本周期包含一系列相关的短迭代,仍旧能够执行系统测试的子集。
So far, I've talked about identifying, documenting, and applying patterns at multiple levels of abstraction, across the application life cycle, and even in the development life cycle itself. 到目前为止,我已经讨论了如何在多个抽象级别、应用程序整个周期甚至开发生命周期本身中标识、记录和应用模式。
The parameter reduces the time spent in mark and keeps the mark phase running, even if a GC cycle is not in process. 此参数缩短了花在mark上的时间并在GC循环未在进行中时仍能保持mark阶段运行。
XP empowers you to respond confidently to changing customer requirements, even late in the project life cycle. XP使您能够充满信心地应对不断变化的客户需求,即使在项目生命周期后期也是如此。
The specifications for software continuously change, even late in the development cycle. 软件的规格持续不断的发生变化,即使是在开发工作的后期也是如此。
In exchange for this compromise, the GC won't impede the scheduling of NHRTs, even during a GC cycle. 作为对这种妥协的交换,GC不会阻止NHRT的调度,即使在GC循环期间也是如此。
Once even this part of the cycle breaks down, brain functions become impaired. 一旦这部分循环停滞了,脑功能就会受损。
Even further, the cash-to-cash cycle can be reduced which is the time from paying the supplier until the money from selling a product comes in. 还要进一步说明的是,现金周期亦因此被缩短了,那就是从付款给供应商到卖出货物并收款之间所需的时间减少了。
You don't even have to cycle every day to be able to feel the benefits from it. 你甚至每天都不必骑自行车。
Even if the official testing cycle is not complete, KPI results can be calculated and reported on line. 即使正式的测试周期没有完成,也可以在线计算和报告KPI结果。
Indeed, it can even lead to a cycle of reciprocity as one unsuccessful attempt by an emerging economy company results in the failure of a developed economy company to do the same thing in reverse. 实际上,它甚至可能形成一种循环:新兴经济体企业失败的尝试,反过来会导致发达经济体企业同种尝试的失败。
Anson, you know him better than some of the rest of us. Congruence Classes of Minimum Coverings of Complete Graph with Even Length Cycle 安逊,你比我们其余的人同他更熟些。偶圈对完全图最小覆盖的若干同余类
Moreover, even the inventory cycle is unlikely to turn until there is some stabilisation in sales and final demand. 此外,在销售和最终需求有所企稳之前,甚至库存周期也不太可能好转。
Not content to lose even one news cycle, the Obama team played a new card: the announcement, timed to suit the Wednesday evening television news, that John Edwards is endorsing Mr Obama. 奥巴马的团队显然对希拉里抢占媒体焦点不满,于是他们也打出一张牌:在周三晚上的电视新闻中他们宣布爱德华兹决定支持奥巴马。
You will understand more and therefore you will practise even more& it's a cycle that feeds itself. 你会了解更深入,因而你又会更加投入修行&这是一个良性循环。
This might prove to be the case in Libya, but even then the cycle of challenge to authority could begin anew. 利比亚的情况或许会如此,但即使到了那一步,挑战当权者的循环也可以重新启动。
Even you do not like the cycle, you must have gain when you done it. 尽管不是很喜欢去做的循环,只要你坚持下来一定有所收获。
Compassion can even turn into a positive cycle. 同情心还可以形成良性循环。
Congruence Classes of Minimum Coverings of Complete Graph with Even Length Cycle 偶圈对完全图最小覆盖的若干同余类
This time rift no longer exists; however how can one settle karma with someone from the past that does not even exist in this expansion cycle of the tao? 这个时间裂缝现在不再存在了,然而,你如何能和一个来自过去而在道的这一扩展周期根本不存在的事物,来解决业力呢?
That might even smooth out the credit cycle and explain why the financial system has smoothly absorbed the shocks thrown at it in recent years, such as the 9/ 11 terrorist attacks on the US, or the oil price rise. 这甚至可能使信贷周期变得平滑,并且解释了金融系统如何平稳地化解了近年遭受的冲击,如美国遭受的9/11恐怖袭击,或油价上涨。
From the perspective of periodicity, even one capital cycle can be classified as capital turnover, while without considering periodicity, even the repeated capital cycles cannot be called capital turnover. 如果从周期性上考察,即使一次资本循环也属于资本周转,离开周期性去考察,即使反复多次的资本循环也不能称之为资本周转。
So path 、 even cycle and tree are proved to be boolean graphs, meanwhile the upper bounds on the dimensions of path and even cycle are given. 利用对图的顶点进行01序列标号的方法证明路、偶圈以及树都是布尔图,并且得出路、偶圈维数的上界估计。
In view of the fact that coating quality can be affected greatly by the derusting quality of steel surface, which even decides directly the maintenance cycle and the service time of a steel construction. 钢材表面的除锈质量对涂装质量的影响很大,甚至直接决定着钢结构建筑的维护周期和使用年限。
The sequential graphs that contain even cycle with the same vertices have been constructed. 分析偶圈的特征,构造了偶圈的具有同顶点集的序列母图并给出其序列标号表达式。
It makes the efficiency of cycle 10% higher and even more by using recuperated cycle. 采用回热循环可以使燃机效率提高10%甚至更高。
According to LCH, consumers will make decision in longer period even the entire life cycle. Therefore, assets and age are also important factors. 根据生命周期理论,消费者会在较长的时间甚至整个生命周期内进行跨期消费,因此,资产和年龄也是影响消费支出的重要因素。
Commercial Banks of the management mode of the cycle in a certain extent to accelerate the economic cycle and promoted economic cycle formation, even aggravate business cycle. at, make economic from prosperity to overheat or into recession. 商业银行的这种顺周期的经营模式在一定程度上加快了景气循环,促进了经济周期的形成,甚至加剧经济周期波动,使经济从繁荣转为过热甚至是陷入衰退。
Since the nonlinearity effect, the actual output of the system fluctuates around the expected value, it affects the control accuracy of the system, even turns up limit cycle oscillation, brings about system instability. 由于非线性的影响,系统的实际输出围绕着期望值上下波动,轻则影响系统的控制精度,重则出现极限环振荡,甚至造成系统不稳定。
The pre-outfitting is one of the greatest safeguards to shorten the dock cycle and even the whole ship building cycle. 预舾装完整性是缩短船坞周期及整个船舶建造周期最大的保障措施之一。